Friday, October 29, 2010

The Newest Treasurer!!! =]

WOW!!! Its been 5 years and I have been serving Alexander Hamilton as a Federalist and a loyal follower!  I'm also the U.S. Secretary Treasurer which has been going very well. Hamilton is very proud of me I have succeeded all my duties. Except for the fact that I have been attacked by Republicans, because of misleading funds. So I left the Federalist party......and I'm free right now?!?!?! MAYBE?!?! :/

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Guess what everyone I found a new job! I am the counties new sheriff.......I wonder how long I will be in this job? 
           My job has been fantastic I cant believe it's been 20 years, but I got through this job with a smile on face hope my new journey as a member of the upper house in colonial State legislature will be even better! :D 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oliver Wolcott

Hello my name is Oliver Wolcott and I am a signer of the Declaration of Independence! I was born at Windsor, Connecticut on December 1, 1726. I was the youngest of 14 children, my father was an important politician in Connecticut. After graduating from Yale in 1747 I began my military career. I served as a militia captain in King George's War. When we went against the French the mission was unsuccessful so I went back home and I worked on my medical studies with my brother. Ohhh look at the time I have to go I promised my brother I'll go buy him ingredients for his new experiment, but I promise I'll be back with more of my adventures!